
Welcome to CerteDrive!

For medical practitioners and clinics, the complex regulations and compliance demands of the DOT Certification process for commercial trucking companies and drivers can be difficult to efficiently facilitate. Keeping current and compliant with ever-changing bureaucratic standards shouldn’t be so challenging. With CerteDrive, it no longer is.
Discuss what CerteDrive can do for your clinic’s DOT Certification and regulatory compliance needs.

Protect Your Examiners from Compliance Burdens
FMCSA guidelines are confusing and ever changing. We make it our job to understand what you need to know to certify drivers. Let us share that knowledge with you.

Stay Up On Regulations
Sick of looking up each condition in a manual? We took the time to do that so you don’t have to. CerteDrive will tell you everything we know on one screen. It’s much easier this way.

Save Time
It’s ok if you don’t remember that a driver with diabetes and peripheral neuropathy is disqualified. That’s why we took the time to assimilate information. Easily access recommendations for those tricky certifications.

Improve Consistency
Ever get those unpleasant phone calls from trucking companies asking about inconsistencies with regulations? Let us assist. By having regulation information at your fingertips, you can make informed decisions while standardizing your certifications.

Better Manage Certification Records
Rest assured that your medical records are stored with us in a HIPAA compliant way. Want to pull up that record from last year? Print a replacement medical card for one of your customers? Done. No more searching through the file room.

Reduce Administrative Costs
All those DOT exams completed this month have to be reported to the government. Why waste your resources doing that when we will do it for you. It’s that easy.

No More Manuals Needed
No more 300 page books. No more cumbersome binders. No more scouring the internet. We compiled all the information you need. Access it with ease and confidence.

Streamline Your Exams
We’ve been around the medical exam business for years. We know your needs. We built this product with you in mind. Collect and input your data in a logical and intuitive manner.

Track and Collect Money More Efficiently: Our billing is electronic. No more sending bills and sorting through the paperwork to figure out your AR. Just log in and check it out. You will know exactly where you stand, anytime, everyday.

Monitor Office Productivity
Technology is great. We know which of your employees did each and every exam. We know how long each visit was and what the outcomes were. We’re more than happy to share that information with you.

Still need to know more? Contact CerteDrive and find out how we can help.